Contact Us
When you stay at Sweet Springs Family Farm, you are able to leave all of the chaos of your day-to-day life behind, and enjoy the relaxing scenery of a countryside farm stay. We look forward to hosting you and your loved ones, and providing you with an unforgettable vacation experience. Please contact us with any questions you may have.
71393 London Rd, Cottage Grove, OR 97424
We highly suggest printing off directions. Even though it is easy to find, it’s good to have as back-up. Cell service is limited.
- We are 3/4 of a mile past mile marker 12 on the left corner.
- The cross street is Big River Rd. Turn left.
- Our house is yellow and has green fencing in front with an automatic gate. You will see our sign out front. Turn left into our driveway.
If you are coming from the South…
- Google Maps may try to take you the wrong direction. The best route to take is Hwy 5 North, exit 170, right on Latham Rd, right on London Rd.
- Stay on London Rd. until you get to Big River Rd. From the time you turn onto London Rd, it is about 13 miles to Big River Rd. Take a left. (the road sign is before the road and is homemade). Our house is immediately on the left.
If you are coming from the North…
- Take Hwy 5 South exit 6th street. Take left off of the highway – this is 6th street that turns into London Rd. Stay on London Rd. until you get to Big River Rd.
- See instructions above for the rest.
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